
Foto's van Egypte

Ramses III KV11

Ramses 3, was the son of not of Ramses 2, as many expect, but of Seth-nakht,founder of the 20th dyn, and was farao in the 20th Dynasty, while Ramses 2 ( the great) was farao of the 19th dynasty. The reason why he called himself after Ramses the great was out of respect and admiration for this great farao, and he wanted to follow in his footsteps.
The Great Royal wife was Isettahemdjert, daughter of an Akkadien king, but if she was also the mother of the sons, bearing the title of First born or eldest son, is not clear, since Ramses III had several wives. One of them is known through records from the Harem conspiracy, being the mother of a son called Pentawer, who was involved in the murder of Ramses III.
Recent investigation of the mummy indicated that indeed the King was slain in Year 15. 3rd month of Sjemu.
His mummy was discovered in the cache DB320.

He built the great funerary temple of Medinet Habu which is in fact the last great traditional of Egypt temples.

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