
Foto's van Egypte

Benia TT343

The tomb dates back to the 18th dynasty, the reign of Hatshepsut to Amenhetep II. It is a small T-shaped tomb and the owner held the titles “Overseer of the Works” and “Overseer of the Craftsmen of the Lord of the Two Lands”. The title of “Overseer of the Seal-bearers” appears in the last part of his career and must be under the reign of Amenhetep II.
His name is non-Egyptian and means “son of jaw-eh”. His mother Tirukak was a Mitanni and his father Irtenena was a Hittite. His court-name was PahekAmen.
In the scenes in the tombĀ he isĀ either alone or with his parents, so one might think he was unmarried.

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